There are certain days when he plays much safe and decides to take a day off. Though today seems to be his day, but don't get fooled by this sunshine, the temperatures are still not rising up.
We tend to make a big deal of Mr. Sun in our part of the globe. When I rewind my thoughts, I really conclude that I never cared about his presence in my childhood when I was growing up back home. In revenge to that he has landed me in a country where I note his presence or absence every single morning while dressing up my kids for school.
Well, back to the tea part! The green tea has replaced our usual cup of "Ginger Chai" these days. I came across an article with plenty of exciting usefulness of it. All about no harm but worth a drink kind of philosophy sure made me give it a shout.
I was never crazy about the green tea the first few times I tried it. I used to make it all the time for my daughter but last couple of days I seem to fall in love with it. After a suggestion of my dear pal, I squirt it with a fresh squeeze of lemon and make my own green tea lemonade (of course without sugar)
Do drop me a line with your thoughts until we meet again, toodles!