Mother it's finest! (Ravine Backyard behind our home)

Right now, we are in the deepening gloom of the coldest February ever recorded. An unusual cold weather and chilly temperatures are leading to many frozen messes around the city. But hey, we are Torontonians and we should not despair but deal with it ;)  Let's not go on my ranting on the cold  and continue with today's post. Hopefully it will bring the spring soon :)
Today, you are on a journey of our backyard. Taking you closer to the mother nature we are blessed with every dusk and dawn.
Before we carry on, I must highlight how it begun. Ever since we decided to relocate, first priority for "him" was the ravine extended to our backyard, I was never happy with that thought of his. You might misconstrue, I love mother nature and its beauty but the only daunting thought I had was to survive with the wild life along with mother nature was not appealing. After intense discussions and endless debates we concluded to go with it. Now, that we followed his intuition, I feel lucky to have this piece of heaven as a part of our home to be loved and cherished in all seasons.
Sharing few shades for all of you to fall in love with!
New Pond  - under construction ( November 2012)
The beginning look was something like this, pulled one picture out from tons of pictures we took when we used to come on this bare land and try to find out an exact piece of land of our proud new home. That was some feeling of excitement to visit the newly building neighbourhood. (this place is almost 2 years old on today's date, but I still like to call it new)

The first spring/summer (2013)
When we used to visit the under construction premises, I often felt traces of nervousness looking at the ravine but ever since we have moved, it has started to unveil dramatic views and visually soothing scenes in that ravine.

The sight of ravine and sound of water gives immense pleasure from the family room, the bedroom suite, and the kitchen.

Our ducklings on a fall morning (2013)

We used to spot baby duckling and geese so often, we thought they will migrate once we move to this new place  but inverse to our thought, they visit us repeatedly in all seasons (except few winter months) and enhance the beauty of our beautiful pond. They were first given the names of the days of the week, but once they outgrew in many, my son had to take aid of the name of the months to call them. Not only these, we often find few of our wildlife friends such as deer, wolves and coyotes out in the woods.

Winter 2013
Yes, this is the same frozen place in the winter 2013. Captured after a "rare and vigorous" storm as they called it.
Fall 2014
Sharing you the other end with the vibrant colours of fall and snow covered blanket clicked at the same spot.
Winter 2014
If you have fail to notice by now, let me apprise you with the walkway/trail around the pond. The best place for walking, jogging or chilling. Even though it gets bitterly cold in the neck of the woods for few winter weeks, we still spot few dog lovers sauntering in that snow. Once the warm days are back, the place gets bustling and busy.
We take endless rounds on warm days. A great path to go on a stroll with alluring nature. The stroll is a proven healing therapy for us after a long day of work.

We also have brought the fall colours in our home with few captures in the woods. It will be revealed with the tour of our family room in near future.

Pond turned into skate arena ( January 2015)
Hockey lovers in the neighbourhood take the advantage of this frozen pond. To our surprise, they take the trouble shoveling the snow off the pond and make their own natural ice pitch to enjoy their game. It feels so lively to see them playing in fresh, crisp winter air!

A panoramic view of a beautiful spring morning!

The best part is I've been able to feel different seasons at different times of the same day.

It's impressive how different the same place can appear in few hours of a day.  When I peek through my bedroom balcony, it is so mystical in the early morning when the fog is still hanging around on top of the pond and by the noon the sun shines to its brightest and it gives you the feel of being on a beach. Now, I have always felt the need on sunny days to stay outdoors for hours and enjoy the beauty of nature.
Many ideas are shaping up in our mind for an extended deck and plantation to create a tranquil space to relax and entertain over looking this beautiful view. Hopefully over the period we will manage to create something that is still lingering in our dreams.
I am thankful to Aj, who spelled his reassuring mantra on me and persuaded me to be able to feel, see and witness mother nature to it's finest! Winding up the post dreaming spring and of course those ducklings back in the pond soon ;) 

Until we meet again, toodles!
Linked @ Colours Dekor

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