Happy Sunday!

Sunday evenings, jeez, how I long to last them forever. Oh, hello there, I am back after few days of hiatus. I could finally steal a moment to connect with you all from the hustle and bustle of a busy weekend.  I really had a tough one with the muddle of emotions as my daughter left this weekend for couple of days for her school trip. Being a mom of a teenager going away for 5 full days without us all by herself, I have to be honest, I was concerned. She is the cuckoo in our nest, her presence is loudly felt by the rest of the family members so she will be missed. Despite of my growing unease, I was prepared to let her go. I didn't wanted my strong agitation to cloud her happiness. After all, she has to be ready and empowered to brace whatever life would throw. In her absence, I stole her favourite marble Buddha from her room and set out to our family room to fill her in until her return. Hopefully his "Abhaya Mudra" will help me find my calm that is far eluded me.

On the spring note, despite of all mother nature's misgivings, finally, she is smiling at us with lots of sunshine and warmer days. Frozen winter wonderland with some interrupted paw prints in my backyard pond is now beginning to warm up and coming back to life. Lots of rays of sunshine are melting everything away. I am loving this transitioning to spring with longer days and warmer nights. My tulips are perked up in few corners of my home.

Not escaping the truth, the weekend is almost over but I trust you all have relaxed and gathered up the necessary shots of energy for the week ahead. Signing off with zen like calm until we meet again, toodles!

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