No place like home...

Nothing beats more than belonging in a blissful state of being home after a life affirming and wondrous vacation. Back to the place which triggers a deep emotional feeling of affection and acceptance. Getting all our acts together as we wrap ourselves back in the relishing comfort of our home. Though, still shaking off vacation buzz along with a long list of work entails. Still spinning my wheels and navigating journey�s up and down. Last week went by in a wink nursing the consequences of jet lag & with lingering haze of sleep. Yes, we were in post vacation blues ;) as they call it.
Regardless, how royal hospitality pampered you but resting your wearing feet and rediscovering yourself in your own home is a wonderful feeling. No matter in how luxurious dwellings we slumbered, but getting into our clean sheets and waking up in our own bed felt heavenly (in the cosiness of that special one and only pillow). In spite of how delectable diverse dishes we had but on our return all our heart was yearning for homemade heartily meal of �khichdi� with �ghee� (the best if enjoyed with bare hands).
After changing the horizon and kicking back to our comfort bubble, I had a great excuse to give my home a d�cor therapy (we all need one in once a while, wouldn't you agree?). I took the freedom to indulge in some decorating opportunity and plunked couple of my favorite objects on the table. Every single corner your eye might choose to land was brighten for an inviting sense. 
Decorating works as a remedy for me as it tears me away from all the anxiety and wallowing mood. Keeping the very ethos in mind, re-arranging was a pleasant compulsion and a welcome dose of sweetness. Flattering candle lights, and lovely familiar scents wafting from it realize us that, we are home.  

Definitely, coming back was a delirious feast, and getting back in informality and comfort, set us all free. Now, leisurely, we are soaking up vacation�s laid back vibe and rediscovering ourselves. Settling for ho-hum and adoring some definite perks of being home again. With summer vacations and warm up in weather, we have more reasons to appreciate out door. Long trolling in the ravine, late night movies with milkshakes and chit chats are getting us back to routine bit by bit. Tons to compose and share once we ease down, will be right back to you soon, until we meet again, stay connected on Pinkz Passion's Facebook page. Don't forget to enjoy your weekend, toodles!


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