Summing up the solitude

Here I am, leisurely hitting the ground running after the roller coaster of a sweltering hot weekend. Toronto is sizzling under the heat wave for the rest of the week but might as well enjoy before I enter in my fall nesting mode ;)

Our home, for now, is empty as kids are shipped off for an interesting venture of a whole week camping, leaving just two of us around in the home. Unleashing all the bottled up wishes of being �alone� and enjoying every bit of it. Savouring our freedom by treating ourselves more than often dinner dates with that chilled (all mine) Pi�a colada ;), long breezy walks and late night movies. Though, it had made us sense how lonely we will be when we get the label of �new empty nesters� with our first child leaving us in couple of days to start new journey of her life. Comforting thought of having the younger one, the recipient of all well needed attention, is still with us and it's enough to restore our souls.

We both have hard time clutching the fact that kids are old enough to face the world on their own. Though, this detachment will expose new ways of thinking and learning for them along with new opportunities waiting to be tackled from the reality of their comfort zone. Quite positive that everything instilled in them until now, will have them ready to face the new world challenges.

 Though, I get much time without having to worry about cooking, feeding, cleaning, this solitude mode of life is now serving us an opportunity to build and find ourselves. Along with the pleasure, much needed task at home front also got taken care for. And as you know, that led me to spend some inordinate amount of time in doing what I love the most. Our Guest Room is shaping up and I can hardly wait to share it with you all.

Extra shopping hours could have led the budget to break its own boundaries, but I tried to stay contained with what I have. Few long forgotten pieces were brought back in to the life by resting on the coffee table. 'Swastika Ganesh' came home as a gift more than a decade ago, which is presently adding the aesthetic beauty and charm. Tried to boost up the appeal by adding few more brass after exploring many different ways. The flickering light contributes stunningly impactful appeal on the vignette. Few pieces of my collection have sentimental attachments and others like the �Swastik Diya� was added to the collection from a recent puja ceremony at my friend�s.

My collection is growing and going but I don�t ever want it to complete. I cluster my finds in clever ways that allow each item with even great decorative value that it might otherwise have. I hunt for something new and wonderful in something I already have. Eco-friendly decorating is to be able to see the prospective in existing pieces. Of course, the pieces have to be styled and edited instead of covered and cluttered taking up space in your closets or basements.  
Empty moments and mummy thoughts led me to loosen up the emotional apron strings here. For now, this free bird 'mom' is getting back to dreaming of those frequent, tighter, and loving hugs from kids until we bring them home.
Until we meet again, stay connected on Facebook, instagram or Pinterest pages of my passion, toodles.


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