Deva Shree Ganesha!

How could I bid farewell to our little Ganesha without ensuring you all greet him? Yes, our charming Ganesha will be taking his grand departure of this year in few days. His impressive visit in our abode is strikingly stylish. Festive d�cor touches lent an added sparkle to his presence. 
Unlike India's noisy and colourful one, our immersion will be more personal at home only.
On these festive days I surely miss seeing the most intricate and extravagant celebrations back home, with crowds thronging the streets, frolicking flashy music on jam-packed roads. Ah, the blurry memories of childhood brought up the past that has been forgotten. We used to be up on the balconies waving good byes to all Ganeshas taking their grand exit with great pomp and celebration.

Blanketed art of the Ganesha's collage wall by the artist of the house, turned out to be a perfect backdrop. The pleasing celebration of this year�s festivity approaches to an end at our home also. Our little fella will be heading back taking all of our troubles and worries with him. Though, eco friendly Ganesha has lead us to an easy immersion this year.

Churma Ladoo
Our Ganesha has been treated well by offering his favorite delicacy Churma Ladoos everyday. 

His very much felt VIP presence in the home for the last couple of days will be missed. As all good things have to end, so does his departure. With Plenty of etched memories and deep footprints in our heart, we will bid him farewell, so he can make his majestic entry next year. Hoping you all had a wonderful celebration at your end as well :)

Up next on the blog, we will be falling for FALL. Stay connected with Pinkz Passion, until we meet again, toodles!

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