A pot of memories...

My mom, a fervent antique lover, owns exquisite antiques and treasured handed down brass. Inhabiting in an aged pixie dust brass and special centuries past era treasures is something I have completely inherited from her. Surprising juxtaposition of different styles and era mixing with her chock-full of alluring and interesting used family heirlooms truly resonates her art of mastering the mixology. With abundance flow of flowers from her garden paired with a fresh approach in my grand mother's pot connects her to the past in a tangible way! Some day, hopefully I will share her amazing collection with you all :)
I have definitely got same good genes of her ;) For the very same sense of nostalgia few of those antiques are handed down to me by mom and now they are a cherished part of my own home d�cor. The diverse mix of decorating with antiques of a bygone era offers an absolute personal touch in your d�cor. Connecting the dots of "old" story with "new" story and probably creating "another" story with next set of users when I pass it on to my children warms up my heart. 
The excellently crafted pot, engraved with  my great grand father's name,  housing the mounds of bright yellow mums is over 100+ years old. As we grow older memories of our early childhood seems to fade away, though,  I still have vivid memories of my grandma using it. Ditching out the tray, I have also used the set of same very old "German Silver" plate as a tray on the table. I personally believe antique world treasure never go out of style. They were, they are and always will be classic, timeless and stylish.
Hold on tightly to those priceless faded treasures of antiques hiding in your parents attics, bring them into your home with whole new outlook and let them take on a new life full of exuberance and excitement.
On the other note, I have started to seize the home gracefully and have rolled down the sleeves for the upcoming festivities. Stay connected on passion page of Facebook for further updates, until we meet again, toodles!

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