March Musing!

As I sit comfortably with a brew and my smile, I am so thinking about sweet smell of spring, warm sun and cool natural breeze. When longer days and warmer weather signal a seasonal switch, we know that we are giddily making our way to March. Unlike my many spoiled readers who don�t have to wait for arrival of spring as eager as I do, as they have perks of being in warmer weather throughout the year.??
As we ring in spring, tulips have started to take little areas of gorgeousness around my home, which of course, I can�t wait to share with ya�all. My social calendar is also beginning to fill up with a long list of chalked out plans. On the blog, we will capture the essence of spring through few wonderful lined up posts on the blog. Along with spring changes at my end, the admittedly overdue Buddha post will also find its way out.
This month we also celebrate an official leap to a teenager year for our baby, who is in a big hurry to grow up. And here I am, consoling myself by scrolling back to the old baby albums to cherish those childhood moments.
Signing out today, with spring musing in my mind. Trusting my infectiously happy spring mood will help you to kick start your month with an equally happy note. Though, as I am belting out herald of spring, Toronto is declared to be buried deep down under more snow, which I am not looking forward at all.

Until we meet again, stay connected, toodles!

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