Hello April!

Wondering what's on Pink'z radar this month? Weeding out the garden, dusting off the patio, and more of that adventure being closer to Mother Nature with taking spring strolls are already on agenda this month as we usher in long awaited spring life.
Another busy week passed by once brood head off to their routine after spring break and we are still left with a little bit hangover of Holi chaos and all the partying. We neither bound this year�s festivity to our virtual wishes nor let the unfaithful weather of Toronto ruin our day, instead we gambled and we dot on the festival in �Do me a favor, let�s play Holi� style with a very large crowd ;) 

On a weather eye, these days, we are crawling out of the bed with chirps and opening windows to the most peaceful sight of our ravine backyard, which definitely is one of the best pleasures we appreciate during this transition of the year. Sun dancing overhead has started creating sun glitters on the distant rolling pond that really reflects the spirit of spring. Quacking stream of ducks and squawking of seagulls echo that spring is finally knocking at our door. Not to forget those wild life guests who make their occasional visit in our backyard making our younger one to storm out himself to get their glimpse. Glad to have our house rooted in nature and sometimes I wonder why I waited so long to get convinced residing so close to nature.

With spring on our way, filling this month's blog dose with few picture heavy colorful posts, reflecting the essence of spring around our home. Along with Tulip touches, a peek in our family room, which is ready to bask in the buttery sunshine, is outlined here on the blog. Moreover, you will encounter with our usual travel tale and a featured product segment. 

Pretty soon, Pinkz Passion will be reaching to a new milestone of 100th post and my mind is racing for that one of a kind post to celebrate but don't want to spoil the surprise yet, so, you stay connected to recharge your inspiration engine with a busy lined up posts until 'April showers bring you flowers', till then, stay connected, toodles!

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