Post Celebrations!

As we are settling into a new week, I am still under a hangover of post celebrations, which we sailed through this weekend. A total �feel-good� weekend with unending supply of love made Mother�s Day and 100th blogpost celebration at the top notch, which I still can�t stop gabbing about. Thank you each and every one for showing much love and support to my wonderful risking decision of blogging.
Kick started weekend with a pleasing surprise of cake and flowers by kids under the sure guidance of hubs dear. Mother�s day this year, knocked out all previous ones as we, bunch of dolled up moms, were flabbergasted with a limousine ride with some terrific arrangements to a casino followed by a fancy dinner cooked by all lovely dads.
Though, greatly earned title of �Mother� reaches at a tipping point when you float amidst the trickiest time of their growing up, dealing with teenage conundrum. For now, learning the dictum of love and let go is helping me overshadow their teenage tantrums ;), as I am dawning on the fact, that both will be embarking on an independent path pretty soon.
Hope you all wonderful moms out there had a wonderful celebration with your loved ones. With spring on my horizon, and young lady in the house, if you don�t find me much here on blogging, catch me on Facebook & Instagram until we meet again, toodles!    

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