Kaleidoscope of colors (Home tour of Mallika Sinha)

With the right amount of chutzpah, our today�s home tour is a giant step away from any ordinary one where; the ability to look at things differently has work in our home owner�s favor. A home where esthetics are defined by its youthful energy and bursting bold colors, that will leave you audibly gasped, just like me. 

I, for being one Buddha fan, fell in love the moment I clapped my eyes on family's brilliant collection of Buddha and decided to kick start the tour with their grand collection curated from around the globe. 

Our today's feature is on the Bengal native �Sinha family� who now calls Abu Dhabi their home with two darling daughters and a grand mom. Mallika Sinha, a bundle of talent, leads the pack of homeowners and takes us through the journey of her home, which is a treasure trove of memories of their distant travel and bringing their adventurous personality to the fore.

The Sinhas are globetrotters, and there is nothing more exciting for them, than to travel and explore. The touch of their well versed travel life is intact and evident in their slice of heaven. Wondering what they bring in their backpacks? Keep an eye on as you start reading to discover what fun little trinkets they have curated from their travel.
Mallika, an art and DIY pro, is also a head honcho at jewelry line �Agomoni� where she has a knack of creating one of a kind jewelry inspired by colors. Similar fervor can be seen throughout her home, where she has debunk all the myths and upped the game concocting her own design fundas. Her own art creations, vividly patterned bright cushions and an African chest from her dear friend greet you upon arrival at her entry way.

The lady who marches to the beat of her own drum revels in colors. Colors absolutely thrill her and her unique and daring d�cor choices with interplay of color throughout the home, very much dictate her flamboyant personality.
Sinha's art passion overrode home is loaded down with the masterful use of colors, patterns and textures creating a calm, carefree and expressive space that blends arts and souvenirs.  
The bold and brimming living room is willingly given a lick of vivid emerald green accent wall to hang Mallika's art work. She takes hint of pride declaring about that lamp which is a DIY from a tripod stand. 

Mallika, a shopping freak and an avid antique collector, draws inspiration from her travel life and has managed to pull together polished look not only in the corners of her home but also in her personal jewelry collection.
Mallika effortlessly alters the look of this open concept living room by using removable covers for sofas.

Striking color palette and interplay of different tones makes her open concept living room alive and engaging.
The influence of ART has steered her interest in kicking up quite a few projects under her belt as she channels her talent through various art forms.
The jetsetter family latches on the idea of exploring local markets on their every vacation and many memories of their travel life has been scattered around home. Mallika beams that her fetish for collecting is often rewarded with some new and unique pieces by her daughter or husband�s distant travel also.

Mallika comes away enchanted by her travel vibe and has collected pieces from Indonesia, Africa Japan, USA, Thailand, Malaysia, and of course India, which her home truly reflects! 
Art maven lady is poised for success in her home life and often loves to loose herself in a world stitched together in art and DIY. She gives new spin to old bottles by coloring or painting on them. Few of them are given the creative freedom and set as a lamp also.

Mallika opted for the bank of windows that frame the beautiful sea-facing view outside, where nature can be observed in its complete glory throughout the day and breezy evening.
Before we conclude today�s home tour, I have to share few more corners of style savvy Mallika�s previous home. Her husband Sanjiv�s work has made their life evolving at many different countries which permits her plenty of more opportunity to play around with her decor. As you may notice many personal treasures have followed her from her previous home of Kuala Lumpur, displaying her life.

Sinha Family's previous residence in Kuala Lumpur:

And as we wrap up this home tour cribbing few notes from her steer clear decor, hope you would also take a leaf from her tasteful and generous collective home. Thank you Sinha�s for graciously allowing us in your home and sharing your personal treasures. Leaving you with an apt quote of Fashion Designer Carlos Miele which fits perfectly for our today's home tour.
"I don't see boundaries between styles, such as modern or contemporary. I've collected each piece from a different experience or period of my life."

Until we meet again stay connected on facebook or Instagram for your more d�cor inspirations, toodles!

(All images belong to Sinha Family and can not be used without prior permission)

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