December and Good byes!

I have every right to be elated�.why? Well, Pinkz is going away on a vacation and needless to say I am super excited. Yes, I will be unplugging from the blog sphere and Facebook along with locking the doors on my everyday chores for couple of weeks hence here is the last post of the year from me and my sparkly brass setting.
As much as it can be pleasure packing away those bags, sometimes let's be honest it's a bit of a grind and I feel like a gerbil on a wheel as I am muscling my way through this month. But as I believe these petty hardships will yield to some of the fondest memories of our lifetime. By breaking away all the humdrum, I am looking forward to spend some time away in a world away from all this frantic scurrying. The best part of the trip is a family wedding where fun and giggles will overflow abundantly and not to forget all the mingling with cousins and friends in between. As and when we have gone back to India, we have been welcomed with open arms and treated like royalty and so have my children�.so thankful for the family and friends for their hospitality. 
On a colder note, winter scenes are back here but a steady snow fall outside hasn�t dampen the exuberance inside me. Yes, with the first appearance of snow, it's officially winter here. With temperatures dipping in negatives and snow covered streets, Toronto already looks festive ready. Trust me, kissing goodbye to this brutally cold winter is the best perk of going away in December for us Torontonians.
At the blog front, it was another great year in blogging. It is so very heartening to be connected with you all. Life wouldn�t be the same without you all. Thank you all from the depth of my heart for having me and my passion stories in your life. You all are a rock of support for my passion. Looking ahead, as we mark a beginning of a new year, hoping to create and share the spectacle and wonder of many more �design moments� with you all.  

Well, that's it folks, signing out today for this year with the thoughts of my heavy shopping list ;) and packing on pounds with yummy food. You all lovely friends stay connected with me on my Instagramto #travelwithpinkz stories until my return and miss me on the blog sphere until my return. A big hug to you all and a very Happy New Year! Toodles!

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