Budhha Love!

As our life changes, we go through several stages of life, where work and pressing demands are on a constant move. Our home is a free-wheeling place where we shed our burden, where we seek peace of mind and stillness, where we leave all cares behind by the end of the daily grind. And to build an atmosphere of well-being and calmness at home, my mind cliques on none other than the most iconic character Buddha. His emblematic personality and our plentifully grown mild obsession have urged me to croon the subject without investing in much thought.

Beside his gently closed eyelids and his sly smirk, I look for different "mudras" of Buddha before fetching any additional piece for our home. His every mudra or hand gesture epitomizes different symbol, different quality or an important episode of his life while spreading serenity in the atmosphere. 
Vitarka Mudra portrays constant flow of energy and information.
As and when I storm myself to Home Goods, I have raided aisles in search of the perfect Buddha. And this splendid stone sculpture posed in Vitarka Mudra, is a result of one such quest. Glamour, spark and sophistication are blended together in this vignette. My all-time favourite votive candle holder not only add the small burst of colour but also lighten up the glow.
Buddha Head
Classic, timeless and stylish Buddha heads never go out of the trend. I proudly own three of them. The next 2 Buddha heads are also darling hunts from Homegoods, where an affable vibe naturally drawn me towards their calming features. This particular Buddha head with his meditative face and partially closed eye lids speak of elegance while spreading warmth and zen like calmness. 

My inner d�cor demon was harder to tame when my eyes landed on this wooden Buddha head. Again his smug look and modesty on his face urged me to pick him up and bring him home. Intermingling the modern Buddha head with my antique brass made both stand out. 
Buddha Head
Richly paired white Buddha head here with bold red statement connotes regal attention on this setting.
Abhaya mudra which dispels terror and unites one with divine protection and bliss.
Jade green, hand carved Buddha is a gift that we received many moons ago. Sometimes these long forgotten treasures that you have had for years completely gives you a surprised new look blending in with your new scheme. Buddha's calm, controlled and determined look in this Abhaya Mudra posture looks divine every time I call him on my coffee table.
Calling The Earth to Witness posture is the moment of enlightenment for the Buddha
Latest and new addition in our Buddha collection with "Calling the earth to witness" posture is mostly found in Thai temples. The twinkle in his eye and chuckle on his face are absolutely heart warming. His styled pose with elongated earlobes and golden clump of hair radiates magical aura wherever in the home he is placed. 
Resting Buddha or dreaming Buddha illustrates Buddha being in one of several deep dreams
The sleeping or dreaming pose is believed to portray the Buddha in deep dreams about peace in the world and living a happy life. Dreaming Buddha was love at first sight at �Bombay� store. The most marvellous find is an ultimate in grace. His existence on the coffee table transmutes everything from functional to fanciful. 
Reclining Buddha symbolizes his last moments on earth
Can't really complete the post without tossing in my brass, can I? Here is the brass galore with my only brass reclining Buddha. This particular lying down gesture represents his last moments on earth. A very well-known of the same statue is enshrined at Wat Pho in Bangkok. This pose is believed to be his last pose before entering "Nirvana"!
Buddha cheering our front doors 
On the onset of spring days, pulling one more count of our outdoor Buddha from my Instagram archives. He has been placed right by the front doors to spread the calmness to everyone inflowing our doorway.  

With these handful of enliven Buddha scores, our home is alive and engaging. For me, it usually takes one glance to please all my senses or calm my nerves. His arresting charm, inimitable wit and delicious affection have urged me to freely exchange my thoughts on our small collection of Buddha at home, which I hope truly inspires you to bring him home to sense warmth and calmness in your life as well.

Until we meet again, find me on Facebook  or Instagram feeds, toodles!

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