Lakshman Sagar - A boutique Hotel

As I stay afloat in the midst of spring arrival, one look at Lakshman Sagar is all it takes to be carried away. Get on board with me to tour this quirkiest place bathed in sporadic splashes of color and charmed with old world touches.
Feeling of having stepped in another era has been remarkably created using the �ZERO KILOMETRE DESIGN� concept by Sahil and Sarthak Interiors, where all the furniture and accessories are inspired through an understanding of local products and conveniences in this eco-friendly luxury.  Rajasthan, being a craft weighty religion the design inspiration is laid down with an ease. You will be nodding in full agreement with my statement, once you explore this place with me :)
Lakshman Sagar, an environmentally friendly luxury by Sewara group, is excelled by exquisitely ethnic interiors. Scattered on over 32 acres of picturesque village in Raipur, Pali district, Rajasthan Lakshman Sagar is adjacent to Lakshman Sagar lake where centuries old Marwad traditions and eras of time gone by is encapsulated brilliantly.  

Lakshman Sagar�s d�cor approach thrives with an abundance of accessories easily found in the village. The side table here (a �matka�(pot) with few dry hays set on a few wooden branches) is the best example that strikes out the rural living in this mud stamped room.
Psychedelic and bright sitting arrangement is effortlessly mixed by scattering glimpses of local culture and locally found accessories such as terra-cotta pots, brass-copper utensils and hand embroidered cushions.
Zanana (female) and Mardana (male) mahals are detached on this property, which harks back the old times of �Thakurs� where they used to retire and entertain themselves after a busy hunting day in woods. Thakur Lakshman Singh, who possessed the place as a hunting lodge, is now converted into a eco-friendly heritage hotel Lakshman Sagar, which still recaps the know-how of rural life and old world charm. Windy white and blue dining space in Mardana (male) place is dotted with many zarokhas (arches) for overlooking beautiful surroundings of Lakshman Sagar. 
�Farm to fork� principal is applied when you savour yourself in Rajasthani cuisine here in �zanana� (female) dining room which is sprinkled with mild pink theme. Every prepared meal is cooked from freshly home grown spices to home grown vegetables in the village.
Now, who wouldn't want to unwind with a book and a big glass of freshly churned "lassi" to cool down on this beautiful terrace, where the good view is a real plus. 
For now, I am going to rain check that thought and wait for actual spring (which is brutally slow) to arrive soon in my part of the world, so we can enjoy heading outdoors again. You stay connected with me as next will be "Holi" post. Until we meet again, toodles!
You may read more about this heritage property right here.

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