Holi - The colorful celebration

Puttering �Holi� pictures on the virtual world has sent me in the same vein as you, if you are also nurturing "Holi" blues with a twinge of envy just like me, for being detached from all the festivities back home. These festivals graciously allow us to remember old days especially to those who are far away from India, where any celebration of any festival is always at the peak.
Few thoughtful, few silly and few heartwarming honest moments evoke fond memories of my childhood. As I recall the days vividly, where the hurly-burly on the road and vivacious friends on the street play with colorful tradition ardently. 
Briefly toyed with the �Holi� idea, I have attuned a corner to celebrate Holi this year unlike last year's fanciful d�cor. Charming amalgams of my antique brass diyas and yummy colors have brightened a corner, which compliments the festival in our home. 
And for your dramatic finale of "Holi" I have got you covered with this light, fluffy and of course creamy "Thandai Mousse" to please any size of your party crowd. Certainly an impressive dinner party dessert here is delicately flavored with thandai that really brings out the spice when mixed with wickedly rich cream.



  • Whipping Cream - 1 cup
  • Regular milk - 1 cup
  • Water - 1/2 cup
  • Thandai masala & syrup (readily available, and if not, there are gazillions of recipes to make at home)
  • Shredded almonds ( Few drops of food coloring for a dramatic display)
  • Agar-agar powder (China grass powder or Gelatin) 1 spoon
  • Sugar ( as per your sweet tooth)

         Whisk the whipping cream till soft fluffs are formed;   keep it in the refrigerator until ready to use.
         Dilute agar agar powder in � cup water and cook on low flame
         Add 1 cup of milk to this water and keep stirring
         Add 1 spoon of Thandai masala and 1 spoon of Thandai syrup
         Add desired amount of sugar (thandai syrup is sweet so taste and add sugar accordingly)
         Bring the mixture to boil until everything dissolves and milk is wee bit thickened.  
Let this liquid cool down on room temperature. Once ready, place this liquid on top of an ice cube loaded bowl and mix vigorously, it will start thickening soon and to avoid any lumps, the mixing constantly is necessary. Add in the whipped cream and fold in until both are evenly combined.  Transfer the mousse in serving bowls or cups and garnish on top with colored almonds or any other dry fruit you desire. Refrigerate for about 4/5 hours and serve. The colorful array of almonds make it an enticing dessert. You may play with any flavor combo you may like to make this mousse.
(If you have opted china grass as a replacement for of Agar-agar powder, you will have to cut china grass into small chunks and blend it down into a coarse powder before using, you may also have to strain the liquid for left over pieces of china grass before mixing the whipping cream)

Okay party people hold on, as on the spirit of HOLI, Sonal Gupta, the culinary expert at Simplyvegetarian has rounded up with all sorts of deserts and snacks for you to toast your festival with. I couldn't pass up the opportunity to be a part of her festive collective.  To earn yourself more desserts and snacks head straight to her blog where she has oceans of other recipes to feed inspiration for your upcoming festive parties from rest of the fellow bloggers.

We, Torontonians, are spoilt here with many friends and this festival fever of Holi has gripped us firmly, hence, we are going to mark the day noisy way in our own neighborhood. If you celebrate sober way or smudge the beautiful colors on your loved one's faces, enjoy every bit of it as these simple pleasures of life light up our world, signing out wishing everyone very happy festivities at your end, until we meet again, stay connected on facebook or instagram, toodles!

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